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Omega 80
Vertical Turret Lathes VTL
CNC Vertical Turret Lathes
41800 (LB)


2002  OM OMEGA 80 CNC RAM TYPE VTL, 62.9" TABLE,12-ATC, 75/60-HP, 

FANUC-18iT CNC CONTROL, 6 Step Cross Rail. 


 Table Diameter ............................................1600 mm( 62.9")
 Maximum Swing Diameter ......................... 2000mm ( 78.87")
 Maximum Turning Diameter ....................... 2000mm (78.87")
 Maximum Turning Height ........................... 1600mm ( 62.9") 
 Maximum Work-Piece Weight .................... 10,000 Kg. (22,000 Lbs) 
 Vertical Travel Of Ram (Z-Axis) .................... 900mm (35.43)
 Ram Size ......................................................210mm (8-1/4" - 8-1/4")
 Horizontal Travel to Right of Table Center.... 1770mm (69.68")
 Horizontal Travel Left of Table Center ..........900mm  (35.43")
 Table Speed (2 Speed) ................................. 1.6-320 RPM
 RPM Cutting Feed Rate ................................ X-12,000mm/min , X-10,000mm/min
 Automatic Tool Changer .............................. 12 tool magazine
Main Table Motor ........................................ AC 45/55 -  75/60 HP
Floor Dimensions ........................ F-B  5050mm (198")  L-R  6950 (273") H 5220mm  (205") 17ff.
 Machine Weight .......................................... 19,000 Kg. ( 41,800 lbs.)

 Equipped With: 
 * 2-Speed Gearbox For Table
*  Heavy Duty Box Ways 
* Chip Conveyor
 *62.9" 4-Jaw Manual Chuck

 *Under Power for Full Inspection!
* Full PDF Specification Attached. 
New Cost: 700k Range 

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