NO. 4A M-3550, WARNER & SWASEY, 9-1/2" HOLE, 29.5" SWING, 50/25 HP [5497]

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Manufacturer: Warner & Swasey Model: 4A M-3550 Turret Lathe 9 1/2\" Spindle Hole Swing Over Bed..........................29-1/2\" Swing Over Cross Slide..................22 7/16\" Distance Spindle To Turret Face.........76 1/4\" Spindle Hole............................9 1/2\" Spindle Speeds..........................(32) 10 - 263 RPM Spindle Drive...........................50 / 25 Hp Cross Feeds.............................(16) .005 - .167 IPR Turret Feeds............................(16) .002 - .077 IPR Chuck...................................28\" 3 Jaw Power Clutch Wrench.....................Yes Rapid Traverse..........................Yes Adjustable Slide Tool...................1 Chip Pan and Coolant....................Yes

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