ROWE - SERVO FEEDER | 40" X 0.080"

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Servo Feed Line
4000 (LB)


Basic Information

Model: FDC-053-440SS
Manufacturer: Rowe
Serial #: 24298
Location: Huntington Park, CA
Year Built: -


Max. Material Thickness: 0.080"
Max. Material Width: 40"
Number Of Rolls: 6
Roll Diameter: 3.820"
Feed Rate: 300 FPM
Dimensions (L x D x H): 120" x 64" x 28"
Weight: 4,000 Lbs.

Equipped with

- Rexroth Indramat System 200 Remote Digital Control
- Air Pinch Rolls
- Entrance Cantenary
- Remote Hand Jog
- Horsepower 5

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