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G300 BCH-LA-72
Riveting Machine
Aerospace Riveting Machines


Up to 19 Straight Line Rivets per Minute  
Modular Design  
(4) Position Upper Head, Including:  
Vision Resync Camera  
Drill Spindle  
Toggle Buck  
Flushing Probe  
Minor C-Frame Allowing Capability to Fasten Complete 180° Half-Fuselage Super Panel Assembly  

Please Note: Bid Awarded by September 30, Unless Sold Prior  
Must be Removed by Friday, October 22  

X-Axis Travel: 452"
Max. Jog Rate: 400 IPM
Z / W-Axis Travel: 163"
Max. Jog Rate: 236 IPM
A-Axis Rotation Range: +/- 90 deg
Max. A-Axis Jog Rate: 180 DPM
B-Angle: +/- 15 deg
E-Axis Rotation: 400 deg
Max. Jog Rate: 3600 DPM
Spindle Speeds: 500 - 20000 RPM
Drilling Spindle Feedrate Range: 0 - 315 IPM
Daylight (Lower Tool in Lace, Lower Ram Fully Retracted): 29.5"
C-Frame Throat Depth: 149"

Equipped With:
Fisher Precise SD5084 Drill Spindle
Variable Frequency Controlled
Coutnersink Drill Depth Control
Multi-Material Stack Drilling Function w/ Automatic Speed and Feed Change
Programmable Peck Drilling Cycle
Electro-Servo Controlled Toggle Buck and Roller Screw Lower Ram
Lower Ram Turntable w/ 400 deg of Rotation
Automatic Injector Shuttle
Dimensions & Weight: Call Perfection Global for Dimensions, 0 Lbs
Preliminary Specifications....

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