2006 UNION PC150

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  • Spindle Diameter: 5.9\"
  • Spindle Taper: 50 Taper
  • Speeds: 2500 RPM
  • Motor: 50 HP


  • X-Axis (Cross): 275,59\"
  • Y-Axis (Vertical): 137.79\"
  • Z-Axis (Spindle): 31.49\"
  • W-Axis (Column): 29.52\"
  • U-Axis (Table In/Out): 78.750”


  • Table Size: 98\" x 118\"
  • Table Load Capacity: 88,000 lb.

Tool Changer:

  • Tool Changer Positions: 60 ATC

Equipped With:

  • DV-40 2.5M x 3M traversing rotary table
  • Renishaw probe
  • Chip conveyor
  • Thru spindle coolant
  • Right Angle Head
  • Two (2) Angle Plates 132\" Tall x 48\" Wide x 60\" Deep
  • Glass Scales
  • Heidenhain TNC i530 Control
  • Through Spindle Coolant
  • Seimens Drives and Motor
  • Paper Coolant Filtration System
  • Assorted Manuals and Machine Drawings/Prints


  • Union rebuilt the spindle in 2013
  • Automatic Tool Changer Head was rebuilt
  • Machine typically holds +/- .001\"


  • https://youtu.be/KB0GraKCFx8

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