1996 FEELER FV800A

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Vertical Turret Lathes VTL
CNC Vertical Turret Lathes



  • Size: 16.7\" x 37.4\"
  • X-Axis Travel: 31.5\"
  • Y-Axis Travel: 17.7\"
  • Z-Axis Travel: 19.9\"


  • Spindle Speeds Minimum - Maximum: 8,000 RPM
  • Spindle Taper: CT 40 Taper
  • Main Motor (30 min. / cont.): 7.5 HP

Tool Changer:

  • Tool Changer Positions: 20 ATC


  • Electrics: 220 Volts

Equipped With:

  • Fanuc 0M Control
  • High Torque Spindle Motor
  • Assorted Tool Holders


  • New Spindle Installed (200 hours of use since)
  • Loading on to waiting truck is included
  • Machine is in good condition with new spindle (not rebuild) with very few hours
  • (less than 200) on it. Machine wasn\t crashed but I was unaware at the time
  • that belville washers in the spindle could go bad and had a tool holder start to
  • pull out of the taper during a heavy cut. It tore up the taper and to get rush
  • rebuild service was going to cost as much as a new spindle, which the
  • manufacturer had on the shelf. So, I opted for the new spindle
  • I had purchased the machine and fixtured it to run selected ops on aluminum
  • castings I was running for a customer that no longer exists. The machine has
  • always been stored in heated space and can temporarily be put under power
  • as necessary. No accessories that I can think of and it\s located at my shop.
  • Business volume never came back to the point that I wanted to move it back
  • in the main part of the shop and replumb, rewire, etc.

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